TSL Sports Talk Recap: David C. Steele, Darryl Ledbetter, & Scoop Jackson.


On today's show, our guests include USA Today's baseball writer and HOF voter Bob Nightengale, Lee Hall, the new Head Football Coach at Morgan State, host of  KTSU Sports Talk Devan Wade, and Tyrone Tate from the National Alliance of African American Athletes. TSL's own DJ Dunson (@cerebralsportex), will also join us with his weekly college football segment, along with Scoop Jackson of ESPN.com, with his weekly NBA segment, "Driving the Lane."

Tune in today, 3-5PM EST, and join in our discussion by tweeting us @TSLSportsTalk and writing us: [email protected]



David C. Steele, NFL writer for @SportingNews, joined us last week on TSL Sports Talk to discuss the NFL playoffs, Black coaches in the NFL and more. TSL Sports Talk Host Mark Gray (@TheSportsGroove) opened up the discussion by asking Steele what he thought about Lovie Smith's new hire in the bigger context of the NFL and their commitment to diversity via the Rooney Rule.  


"What's going on right now, with Lovie Smith getting all this attention and Jim Caldwell getting all this attention, is that these are two guys who got zero attention last year when the whole hiring cycle hit rock bottom and seven openings, opened and closed without a Black coach – or of any minority group – being hired. All of a sudden, the next year – after really a year of being shamed over what [the NFL] allowed to transpire – the two names that float to surface with all the openings are Lovie Smith and Jim Caldwell, who had been fired by their previous employers,  instead of all the young assistants who are the on cusp of doing something great, like all the other coaches who are being courted around the NFL… There are never any equivalent Black or coaches of color who get those opportunities. The ones who do get it, are the ones that the NFL feels safe with."


Listen to Steele's full discussion below to hear more on minority coaches in the NFL, NFL playoffs and more.



Later on, President of the Pro-Football Writer's Association Darryl Ledbetter joined us to talk more about diversity in the NFL, NFL playoffs and Super Bowl Predictions. Listen to the full segment below:



As always, Scoop Jackson also joined us last week for our highly entertaining, weekly NBA segment, "Driving the Lane."  Don't miss his full segment below:


TSL Sports Talk is on every Thursday, 3-5PM EST, on The Shadow League. Follow us on twitter: @tslsportstalk, find archives of full shows here, and write us: [email protected].

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