TSL Sports Talk Recap- Bruce Binko

This week on TSL Sports Talk, Executive Director of BKB (Big Knockout Boxing), Bruce Binko, joined us to talk about the BKB's first PPV fight tomorrow, headlined by Bryan Vera vs. Gabriel Rosado at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. TSL Sports Talk host, Mark Gray, started the discussion by asking Binko how he tweaked the rules of boxing, as they differ from traditional boxing rules and regulations. 


“The biggest change that you're going to see on Saturday night is the actual venue itself. The ring has been replaced by a pit. Its a sloped wall that goes down about 5.5' and the center is a 7' diameter circle. The fighters are required to stay inside of that circle during the fight. There's no ropes and there's no corners. The other big changes are two minute rounds and for a championship fight, itll last 7 rounds. So baiscally, its much faster, its much more fast paced in the ring. The fights are shorter, so the fighters dont have to pace themselves as much and its most definitely going to reward guys that are aggressive."


Listen to the full segment below to find out more why he changed the rules for his brand, where he recruited his talent and more. 

TSL Sports Talk broadcasts live, every Thursday, 3-5PM. Follow us on twitter: @TSLSportsTalk or write us at: [email protected]

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