To Danny Garcia, Shawn Porter Is Just Another Face In His Title Quest

Danny Garcia (34-1) is on a quest for a title and he doesn’t care who steps into the ring.

Danny Garcia Ducks No One

Garcia seems to be on the receiving end of lots of hate in the world of boxing, but he doesn’t let it distract him from taking names and capturing belts. As for his upcoming fight with Shawn Porter for the WBC Welterweight title, the approach is the exact same.

“What’s going on with Shawn Porter and how do you really feel about this fight” we asked him.

“Um, you know, all that stuff he did, didn’t make this fight happen. I just want to clear that up.” replied Swift Garcia. “I fight who I want to fight at the end of the day.”

We sat with Danny and his father, Angel, to discuss the upcoming fight and both men remain unfazed by the hate or obstacles in the ring. They’ll be ready no matter the time or place.

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