The Juice Soon To Be Loose?

After being denied parole in July 2013 and 2014, NBC Los Angeles recently reported that college football and NFL Hall of Famer OJ Simpson is going back in front of the board to plead for freedom in a relatively short amount of time.

According to NBC 4, Simpson’s parole eligibility date is listed for October. However, parole hearings are usually held three months prior to eligibility. This means The Juice may get to bid for release in July. The Nevada DOC will officially set the hearing come mid-June.

Thomas Patton, the former chair of the Nevada Board of Parole Commissioners says that the board has a few options as to what they are able to do. They could; grant release for parole, deny parole now but consider parole at a later date, or flat out deny parole and require Simpson to serve out his sentence.

Simpson was convicted in 2008 upon trying to regain possession of some of his own sports memorabilia at The Palace Station Casino Hotel in Las Vegas. OJ was sentenced 13 years to the day of when he was acquitted in the Brown and Goldman slayings. He was given a 33-year prison sentence for the robbery.

Could all of the recent attention given to the former disgraced NFL golden boy via the Oscar Award-winning documentary OJ: Made in America and Emmy Award-winning FX mini-series The People vs O.J. Simpson play a role in helping or even hurting his case? We guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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