Remember When The Steroid Era Ended? Yeah…

According to reports from Miami New Times, several major pro athletes including Melky Cabera, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Nelson Cruz, Gio Gonzalez and Alex Rodriguez, among others, have been linked to performance enhancing drugs. The report gives detailed information about when the players allegedly bought and used PEDs.

The players were on documents the Miami New Times obtained from an employee of Biogensis of America during the publication's three-month investigation. Miami New Times found evidence that the business sold PEDs such as anabolic steroids, testosterone, and human growth hormone.

Anthony Bosch is the owner of the establishment and had ties to Manny Ramirez when the all-star was suspended back in 2009 for PED use.

Rodriguez, who admitted to steroid from 2001 to 2003, is listed heavily in the documents obtained by the publication. The reports are very specific, including names of drugs and amounts paid by the Yankees third baseman.

Cabera, who just signed a new contract with the Toronto Blue Jays, was frequently listed and, again, those listings include dates, payments and drugs given.

MLB is not ignoring the story and has issued a statement.

"We are always extremely disappointed to learn of potential links between players and the use of performance-enhancing substances," the statement begins. "These developments, however, provide evidence of the comprehensive nature of our anti-drug efforts.  Through our Department of Investigations, we have been actively involved in the issues in South Florida.  It is also important to note that three of the players allegedly involved have already been disciplined under the Joint Drug Program."

The statement added that MLB has implemented many recommendations of the Mitchell report and feels that it's Department of Investigations, in conjunction with local and federal law enforcement, has made great strides in policing the game.

Before adding that the investigation is ongoing and the league won't comment further, the statement did say: "We remain fully committed to following all leads and seeking the appropriate outcomes for all those who use, purchase and are involved in the distribution of banned substances, which have no place in our game."

There are a lot of big names in this report and people will want answers. This report looks very detailed and accurate. A-Rod was forgiven once for PED use but I doubt he'll get a pass this time. Gonzalez is a young pitching star who was in the Cy Young race, Cruz is a solid young hitter and other players mentioned have been All-Stars and World Champions. I'm not sure how this will shake out, but it's clearly a black eye as things stand. 

Baseball survived the Black Sox scandal, the 1994 strike, and the first steriod era. It's been a resilent sport thus far, but this latest scandal might be straw that breaks the camel's back.

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