Jim Mora Wants Jail Time For Fake Tweets

UCLA freshman defensive back Randall Goforth sent a series of tweets directed at USC wide receiver Marquise Woods. The tweets caused a stir around So Cal, particularly since Goforth is just a freshman.

The problem is, Randall Goforth is not actually on Twitter, and Jim Mora is pissed about the fake account.
"I think it's a frickin' joke that somebody would do that," Mora said. "I think you're the lowest form of life-form if you were to portray yourself as an 18-year-old young man who is out here trying to do his best. Trying to stir it up, attributing comments to him that aren't his, I think he ought to go to jail. That's how I feel. I think you're a scumbag."
Jail? Slow down, bro. I know your team is about to get whupped by the Trojans, but jail? For Twitter? Let's be serious. Jails are already severly overcrowded without hitting people up for Twitter violations (though, if we could do something about pre-meal food pics…)
And, while I'll concede that creating a fake Twitter account is extremely lame and something I would never ever do (again), there are plenty of life forms lower than Randall Goforth's impostor. 
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