Jerry Rice Apologizes for “All Lives Matter” Tweet

The “Jerry Rice is a coon” memes have been proliferating across the Internet in the wake of his “All Lives Matter” tweet in August, which was meant to admonish San Francisco 49ers backup QB Colin Kaepernick.

All lives matter. So much going on in this world today, Rice wrote at the time in a tweet that has since been deleted. Can we all just get along! Colin, I respect your stance but dont disrespect the flag.

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Since then, Rice, who many believe is the greatest football player ever, has come out in support of Kaepernick via Twitter. Though modern men and women have the ability to communicate information at the speed of thought these days, it takes far longer for self-important guardians of blackness to reverse course in the digital realm.

Perhaps it is to that end that Rice felt the need to clarify his prior “All Lives Matter” tweet. You know, the Tweet prior to the Tweet in which he thanked Colin Kaepernick for educating him on social justice? Yeah, that one.

Here’s the apology tweeted out Wednesday night:

There are large numbers of individuals who question how genuine Rice’s recent overture is due to his All Lives Matter tweet, even as he claims ignorance to its true meaning.  But as a Hall of Fame football player and NFL analyst, Jerry Rice must know how impossible it is to satisfy people who have no interest in gaining an understanding, or even being understanding.

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