Eyewitness to Mike Brown Shooting Speaks

The last words Dorian Johnson heard from his friend were, “Keep running, bro!”

The 22-year-old, who was walking with Michael Brown before Brown was fatally shot, revealed to MSNBC in an exclusive interview exactly what he saw during the inexplicable shooting by police Saturday in Ferguson, Mo.


Johnson told MSNBC that he saw the gun and “fire” coming out of the barrel … all over what he described as a confrontation with a bully cop.

According to the young man, he and Brown, 18, were walking and talking when a squad car pulled up. The officer in the car told them to “get the f–k on the sidewalk.”

The young men told the officer that they were almost at Johnson’s residence, and that is when things got violent … on the part of the cop, Johnson said.

The young man told MSNBC that the officer put the vehicle in reverse, almost hitting them, so that they were in line with his side door. He demanded to know what they had said, or something to that effect, Johnson told MSNBC. The officer tried to open the door, but it bumped into Brown and closed again. Then the officer reached out and grabbed the teen by his neck, choking him, Johnson said.


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