Dwyane Wade vs Old Man Duncan

In trying to give the Celtics praise for the veteran experience and talent on their team, Dwyane Wade hit Tim Duncan with a rather backhanded compliment in the Boston Globe.

“When you got great players, no matter how old they are, you’re a great player,” Wade said. “KG (Kevin Garnett) is playing phenomenal, like he’s found a fountain of youth. Why break it up? You do the San Antonio (plan), you just add players around the great players. San Antonio has been very successful and it seems like Tim Duncan has been in the league 38 years. Why change that?

Ouch. Why not just call him old man and shove him down the stairs? That might have been nicer.

I hope Wade realizes the Miami Heat just acquired Ray Allen who is one year older than Duncan and has been in the league one year longer than Timmy D.

Is that Ben Gay I smell?

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