Dirk Never Had Any Athleticism

ESPN's Daily Dime, which always does a fantastic job, led with Dirk Nowitzki's recovery. Dirk played well against the Heat, dropping 19 points — 15 coming in the second half — while playing 29 minutes on the tail end of a back-to-back.

Dwyane Wade had some remarks after the game, joking about Dirk's recovery. 

"One good about him is he doesn't have to worry about someone saying he's lost his athleticism, because he never had any," Wade said, laughing.

The column makes it clear that Wade is joking, and on the face, it's just plain funny. But there isn't anyone in the league who can do what Dirk does on the perimeter at 7 feet tall, and only Dwight Howard can claim superior athletic status for a man that size. No, Dirk doesn't play above the rim, but the way he moves is certainly athletic ability. It begs the question, especially given Wade's coughing jokes during the 2011 Finals, is D. Wade still salty? Why is he biting Dirk, who has never bitten anyone? Or, as I thought before, is this just funny?

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