Did Trump Get A ‘Ye Bump In Poll Of Black Men?

The blast of discussion, discourse, and disdain for Kanye West’s full-on, “right on the kisser” endorsement of President Donald J. Trump that occurred recently sent shock waves throughout the known digital and television universe.  

Oftentimes, when individuals possess a certain level of success in life, said individuals become so convinced of their own unassailable intelligence that they believe themselves to be a purely independent source of enlightenment, a virtual institution unto themselves. As my sainted grandmother used to say, ”he thinks his sh@t don’t stink”.  Oh, but it does. It truly, truly does. Now, the world is straight up telling him that roses really smell like boo-boo.

However, with the gravitas of personality and fame, West’s salacious, disrespectful comments regarding slavery being a “choice” is tantamount to an endorsement of subjugation.

KANYE WEST on Twitter

we got love

Stupid is as stupid does, as Forrest Gump so famously stated decades ago, and to that end, we present to you evidence of that paradigm. A recent Reuters weekly tracking poll showed support for Donald J. Trump from Black males has doubled in the week ending April 29, jumping from 11 percent to 22 percent.  These are Trump’s highest ratings among African American men all year. Trump won 8 percent of the black male vote when he was elected in 2016.

It is interesting to note that Kanye West made his comments about being pro-Trump on April 21, claiming something goofy about “dragon energy”. He even posted a selfie rockin’ a MAGA hat. The survey size of for the poll was less than 200 men. No need to birth a brick, but it is noteworthy nonetheless.

While it’s impossible to know for certain whether West’s statements had a positive effect on the President’s approval rating among black men, I’ll concede that a coincidence of this magnitude would be rare.  Certainly, the cult of personality played a large part in black men becoming suicidal lemmings in the name of MAGA, conservatism and ‘Ye.  

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