Chris Sale Was Suspended For Ripping It Up

A grown man cutting up his teams professional MLB throwback uniforms because he didnt want to wear them?

That’s what the Chicago White Sox’s Adam Sale did, wilding out though on some primadonna, Queen of England, pop diva-type of madness. Maybe thats the culture in that locker room. Dudes are just used to throwing tantrums and Kenny Williams was obviously in a habit of letting them get their way.

Sales boy Adam LaRoche had an incident in spring training, when friction surfaced following the club’s restrictions on the amount of time LaRoche’s son was allowed to spend in the clubhouse. That fool went as far as retiring because Williams asked him to chill on bringing his 14-year-old son around all the time, stating “There’s no job in America where you can bring your son to work every day.”

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Sale went H.A.M. in the public and media on Williams decision in that situation, and apparently he has been trying to force himself out of town as the Sox fall in the standings.

He was granted his temporary wish. The Chicago White Sox have suspended their ace for five days after his dispute over the team’s uniforms for Saturday’s game.

“Chris has been suspended for violating team rules, for insubordination and for destroying team equipment,” White Sox general manager Rick Hahn said in a statement Sunday. “While we all appreciate Chris’ talent and passion, there is a correct way and an incorrect way to express concerns about team rules and organizational expectations.”

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Sale must keep clear of the team during the suspension.

According to multiple reports, “Sale expressed displeasure over having to wear the White Sox’s 1976 navy, collared throwbacks, and the matter escalated from there, culminating in a confrontation with a member of Chicago’s front office. The team then decided to send Sale home from U.S. Cellular Field.

FanRag Sports first reported that Sale cut up the 1976 throwbacks during batting practice so they couldn’t be worn. Fox Sports reported that Sale disliked the uniforms because he thought the material was uncomfortable and thought the White Sox were putting “PR and jersey sales” ahead of winning.

All that being said, this is ridiculous.

Former White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen, who was so criticized for his profanity laced tirades in post game interviews and harsh, aggressive approach with his players, would have shut this madness down a long time ago. 

In 2005, Guillen led the White Sox to their first American League pennant since 1959, and their first World Series win since 1917 with a four-game sweep of the Houston Astros. He wasnt taking any mess from anybody. Seems as if President Ken Williams post-Guillen hires never regained the leadership and respect for his manager position that he had hoped. As his quality of skippers deteriorated, so did his reputation and respect from the players.

Its a bad situation. Somebody has lost control of the organization. As lauded as Williams is as a talent evaluator and developer on the executive levels, the White Sox havent won the Division since 2008, and they havent put up a 90-win season since 2006.   

Unhappy superstars lead to losses for everyone across the board . From 2000-12, Williams was MLB’s lone black. In 2012, Williams was promoted to Executive Vice President of the Chicago White Sox.

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This is a major moment for his legacy and future. The organization seems a mess, they arent responding to Robin Ventura, and this latest hissy fit by a supposed leader of the team shows that there are some deep wounds still unhealed in the aftermath of the LaRoche situation. It can only fester and get worse unless some changes are made.

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