A George Michael NBA Christmas Farewell

As if 2016 hadn’t wreaked enough havoc, Christmas Day brought us news that singer George Michael had passed away at the age of 53. We’ve already lost Maurice White – the leader and founder of Earth, Wind and Fire, Prince, David Bowie, Abe Vigoda, Miss Cleo, Dennis Green, Kimbo Slice and Muhammad Ali among a host of others this year.

Losing the accomplished English singer/songwriter who got busy in the ’80s and ’90s as we opened our presents and celebrated Christmas was another reminder of how unforgiving 2016 has been.

In lieu of his passing, we break down yesterday’s much-anticipated matchup between the defending conference champion Warriors and Cavaliers, like Shark Tank in Keanu, with his five best hits in mind.


Kevin Durant is the second-best player in the world, but in the Cavaliers 109-108 victory over the Warriors yesterday, we have more evidence that KD’s teams continue to get son’d by LeBron James and whatever crew he shows up with.

KD was exceptional, with 36 points and 15 rebounds, but LeBron, who had 31 and 13, upped his record to 14-3 in head-to-head matchups against Durant’s squads. 


The Warriors had a chance to get into the Cavaliers collective consciousness to sew some doubt that this 2016-2017 squad ain’t going out like they did when they squandered a 3-games-to-1 lead in last year’s NBA Finals.

So what did they do? They allowed the Cavs, who only held the lead in the game for an entire 42 seconds, to came back from 14 points down to grab the victory. 


Kyrie Irving had seven steals to go along with his 10 assists and 25 points, including the game-winner over Klay Thompson with 3.4 seconds left. Yes the backcourt combo of Klay and Steph Curry are phenomenal, but Uncle Drew is impervious to their collective brilliance.

He gets amped to prove that as good as they are, he’s gonna give them everything they want. Golden State brings out the best in Kyrie and whenever they get it on, he’s let it be known that he’s coming to give them some money!


Remember all that talk about Richard Jefferson’s flight game being grounded? When he flirted with retirement during the off-season, people began writing his epitaph, saying that he was done. Well, ask Klay Thompson if he agrees.

After getting posterized by Jefferson, I’m sure that Klay is convinced that all of that jibber-jabber was merely careless whispers! 


Someone better remind Steph Curry that when facing the team that stuck you up for last year’s shot at immortality after an incredible 73-win regular season like Omar at a Barksdale stash house, you’re supposed to show up with all guns blazing.

Now factor in that Kyrie Irving continues to get the best of Curry whenever they seem to lace ’em up against one another, and it’s simply not a good look for the Chef to put up 15 points and three assists against the Cavs.

Steph is a bad boy, but he better wake up the next time Uncle Drew comes a’calling. 

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