14 Year Old Guan Tianlang Is The Most Impressive Player At The Masters

The young gun at the Masters who has everyone talking isn't Rory McIlroy. McIlroy may look the part, but his Masters debut at 19-years old in 2009 has nothing on Guan Tianlang of China, who's turning heads in Augusta with a ridiculously immaculate swing for a 14-year old. That's right, 14.

Most of the players on tour can't remember what they were doing at 14, and the pros who could recall weren't handling much responsibility or pressure. But Tianlang has taken it all in stride, playing a practice round with Tiger Woods – who knows a bit or two about being a young, fresh face with an impressive swing at the Masters – and met with Jack Nicklaus before his opening round.

“I mean, this kid can’t play high school golf. He’s not in high school yet,” Woods told the Star Telegram. “For a 14-year-old to be able to come out here and handle himself the way he’s done is just unbelievable.”

The practice round was nothing compared to his official debut, though. Tianlang shot a one-over 73 to lead all amateurs in the competition. He was two over on the 18th green put drained a long birdie to cap a brilliant performance.

Watch out, world. The next big thing is here.

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